2008-01-07 15:47:31 UTC
I tried to compile PG8.3b4 for a test run on a R/S 6K running AIX 4.3
(Of course, make was replaced with a compiled verstion of GNUmake)
Here are the step by step operations once having detarred the package
1 - Edition of ./src/include/pg_config_manual.h
Setting BLCKSZ to 16384 (has to get records from a mainframe)
2 - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/pg83b4 --without-readline --without-zlib
3 - make
3.1 - First error happens when compiling tsquery.c
xlc -O2 -qmaxmem=16384 -qsrcmsg -qlonglong -qnoansialias -I../../../../src/include
-c -o tsquery.o tsquery.c
108 | PT_CLOSE = 5,
a - 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text ',' encountered.
The file shows :
* token types for parsing
typedef enum
PT_END = 0,
PT_ERR = 1,
PT_VAL = 2,
PT_OPR = 3,
PT_OPEN = 4,
} ts_tokentype;
3.2 - I manually removed the offending comma and carried on the building
process (expecting a major flaw to be detected at the 'make check' stage
Then the building process stops on ecpg/informix.c
xlc -O2 -qmaxmem=16384 -qsrcmsg -qlonglong -qnoansialias -I../include -I../../../../src/interfaces/ecpg/include
-I../../../../src/interfaces/libpq -I../../../../src/include/utils -I../../../../src/include
-c -o informix.o informix.c
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 434.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fgetpos64
differs from previous declaration on line 274 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 434.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "long long*" of
parameter 2 differs from the previous type "long*".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 437.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fseeko64
differs from previous declaration on line 380 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 437.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "long long" of
parameter 2 differs from the previous type "long".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 438.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fsetpos64
differs from previous declaration on line 276 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 438.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "const long
long*" of parameter 2 differs from the previous type "const long*".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 439.16: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of ftello64
differs from previous declaration on line 381 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 439.16: 1506-050 (I) Return type "long long" in
redeclaration is not compatible with the previous return type "long".
make[4]: *** [informix.o] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lib2/postgres/postgresql-8.3beta4/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2
I ll try again, time permitting, tomorrow with the newly uploaded RC1. I
had no problem with 8.2.5 and 8.1.10.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to ***@postgresql.org so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
I tried to compile PG8.3b4 for a test run on a R/S 6K running AIX 4.3
(Of course, make was replaced with a compiled verstion of GNUmake)
Here are the step by step operations once having detarred the package
1 - Edition of ./src/include/pg_config_manual.h
Setting BLCKSZ to 16384 (has to get records from a mainframe)
2 - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/pg83b4 --without-readline --without-zlib
3 - make
3.1 - First error happens when compiling tsquery.c
xlc -O2 -qmaxmem=16384 -qsrcmsg -qlonglong -qnoansialias -I../../../../src/include
-c -o tsquery.o tsquery.c
108 | PT_CLOSE = 5,
a - 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text ',' encountered.
The file shows :
* token types for parsing
typedef enum
PT_END = 0,
PT_ERR = 1,
PT_VAL = 2,
PT_OPR = 3,
PT_OPEN = 4,
} ts_tokentype;
3.2 - I manually removed the offending comma and carried on the building
process (expecting a major flaw to be detected at the 'make check' stage
Then the building process stops on ecpg/informix.c
xlc -O2 -qmaxmem=16384 -qsrcmsg -qlonglong -qnoansialias -I../include -I../../../../src/interfaces/ecpg/include
-I../../../../src/interfaces/libpq -I../../../../src/include/utils -I../../../../src/include
-c -o informix.o informix.c
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 434.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fgetpos64
differs from previous declaration on line 274 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 434.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "long long*" of
parameter 2 differs from the previous type "long*".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 437.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fseeko64
differs from previous declaration on line 380 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 437.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "long long" of
parameter 2 differs from the previous type "long".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 438.12: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of fsetpos64
differs from previous declaration on line 276 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 438.12: 1506-377 (I) The type "const long
long*" of parameter 2 differs from the previous type "const long*".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 439.16: 1506-343 (S) Redeclaration of ftello64
differs from previous declaration on line 381 of "/usr/include/stdio.h".
"/usr/include/stdio.h", line 439.16: 1506-050 (I) Return type "long long" in
redeclaration is not compatible with the previous return type "long".
make[4]: *** [informix.o] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lib2/postgres/postgresql-8.3beta4/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2
I ll try again, time permitting, tomorrow with the newly uploaded RC1. I
had no problem with 8.2.5 and 8.1.10.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to ***@postgresql.org so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly