[PORTS] 8.3beta2 fails to compile on Centos5 x86_64
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Marcel Gsteiger
2007-11-10 08:09:03 UTC
Hi all

Trying to rebuild postgresql-8.3beta2-1PGDG.f7.src.rpm on my Centos 5.0 x86=
_64, I get the error "your platform is not thread safe" during config. When=
I use the --enable-thread-safety-force option, the build fails with the me=
undefined reference to pthread_sigmask
during the libpq compile.

Is this a known issue? Is there a library I should install? Is there a work=

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Tom Lane
2007-11-10 20:05:57 UTC
Trying to rebuild postgresql-8.3beta2-1PGDG.f7.src.rpm on my Centos 5.0 x86_64, I get the error "your platform is not thread safe" during config. When I use the --enable-thread-safety-force option, the build fails with the message
undefined reference to pthread_sigmask
during the libpq compile.
Do you have glibc-devel installed? It sounds like you might be missing
/usr/lib64/libpthread.so, which is in that RPM. However, we do
BuildRequire glibc-devel, so I'm not sure how you managed to try to
build the RPM without it.

regards, tom lane

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